Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The 150 Friends' Club - Hoonanaparka

Fresh, bright, madcap and spiked with sit-up-and-listen, the four Londoners made it on to FOTN's Listening Post last week. The back story reported by Charlene Lebrun at FreshAndBold contains the astonishing, "screw-you" phenomenon of allowing ad agencies to use and, of course, pay for the band's anti-ad agency music. Well, they certainly have a healthy urge to aggravate, some killer song-writing chops and an entertaining Twitter feed. What more does an emerging band need in 2014? They will also certainly test music writers' apostrophe skills (which can only be a good thing). A mini-album will be available to the Internets on 1 March.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the backlink, and glad you liked the track - If you like it, I've got more where this came from! (Feel free to give me a shout)
