Thursday, 6 March 2014

Carina Nebula - Blossom

The duo, Buddy Miller and Sol Murphy have only been making music together "influenced [by] punk and 60s garage", as Carina Nebula, since November 2013 but seem to know their genre well. It won't harm their potential either, living in Liverpool, the Psych Capital of The World (Northern Hemisphere). Surely the very paving slabs they walk everyday must ooze the stuff that makes guitar bands produce this fuzz and swirl.
Their first full offering 'Blossom' has a slow metronome riff that elicits appropriate amounts of motion sickness and the elevator-shaft vocals pine away between periods of clanging guitar that diverge away from the normal mid-range psych-fuzz heard of late.
Incidentally, whether intentional or not, the recording seems to pop and wobble a bit (or it's something I've had for lunch). I guess they're still honing their production skills.
All said, they have a sound ready for a good live show so we'll watch out for that. In summary - less shoegaze, more stargaze (sorry).
Carina Nebula are planning to release a four-track EP by May 2014.

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